Tile levelling bases are tools used during the installation of ceramic or porcelain tiles to ensure a uniform and level end result. Here I explain how they are used:

Preparation: Before starting, make sure that the surface where the tiles are to be installed is clean, dry and free of dust and debris. Also, check that the substrate is properly levelled.

Laying the first tile: Place the first tile in the desired area and press it into the adhesive or mortar, making sure it is correctly aligned and level.

Laying the levelling bases: Slide a levelling base under the edge of the tile, just where it meets the next tile. Levelling bases usually have a part that is hidden under the tile and a visible part that protrudes.

Leveling adjustment: Use pliers or a special spanner to turn the visible part of the leveling base. This will put pressure on the tile and raise or level it as needed. Continue turning until the tile is perfectly level with the adjacent tile.

Laying the next tile: Lay the next tile next to the first tile, making sure that the levelling base is correctly fitted into the joint between the two tiles. Repeat the fitting process with additional levelling bases as required to ensure an even installation.

Wait and remove: Once you have installed all the tiles and the adhesive or mortar has set according to the manufacturer's instructions, it is time to remove the underlayment. This can be done by breaking or cutting away the visible part of the underlay and then removing the part hidden under the tile.

It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions for the specific underlayment you are using, as details may vary by make and model. Also, remember to use the right tools and take the necessary precautions to ensure safe and quality work.